what it takes読み方
- what it takes日本語の意味:必要{ひつよう}な[欠かせない]もの[こと?特質{とくしつ}?資質{ししつ}?素質{そしつ}?能力{のうりょく}]、要件 "He always wants to split the bill wherever we go." "No! He should know what it takes to date with a cute girl like you. Let hi
- what it takesの意味:必要{ひつよう}な[欠かせない]もの[こと?特質{とくしつ}?資質{ししつ}?素質{そしつ}?能力{のうりょく}]、要件 "He always wants to split the bill wherever we go." "No! He should know what it takes to date with a cute girl like you. Let hi